segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2010

I Love Lucy - Sales Resistance - Barbie

segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2010

Dentre as compras feitas em Blumenau, encontramos a Lucy, em uma Limited Edition. Para quem não lembra, foi uma das comediantes mais famosas dos Estados Unidos, na decada entre 50 e 60, com o seriado I love Lucy, foi um dos programas mais assistido na tv americana, tendo cometários até hoje na midia. Ela é uma graça. Seu rosto é perfeito, muito parecida com a própria Lucy.   

Timeless and eternally hilarious, “I Love Lucy”® remains a benchmark of comedy. In the memorable “Sales Resistance”™ episode originally broadcast in 1953, Fred, Ethel and Ricky reminisce about a sales experience. Ricky was upset because Lucy had made a frivolous purchase when she saw an ad on TV. Ricky explains how to resist a salesman and insists that she return the item. Later that day when the salesman comes to pick-up the gadget he bamboozles Lucy into buying a “Handy Dandy vacuum cleaner”. Ricky agrees to return the new item himself because Lucy cannot resist a salesman. Lucy and Ethel leave to go to the movies so Lucy can avoid another sales pitch. When the duo returns they discover that the vacuum is gone but Ricky has bought a new “Handy Dandy refrigerator”. And the notorious penny-pincher Fred bought a washing machine! Lucy enjoys a last happy moment with her Handy Dandy vacuum cleaner wearing a navy and white polka dot dress with a white apron.

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